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Adult Sunday School Classes

Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday SchoolThis is a great opportunity to dive into the word of God with others as we seek to grow in our faith in Jesus Christ. 

9:30-10:15am (childcare available).


Come once or come often, we would love for you to join us! 


9:30am | Room 25

Starting this fall, the Adelphia class will be exploring the lessons elaborated in the Standard Lesson Commentary. This book is created by the collaboration of 24 ministers, teachers, and Christian education specialists.


9:30am | Room 27

In an increasingly distracted and noisy world, we need solitude more than ever. This should be a great practice for going into the season of Advent with a quietness. 
Sessions include:
- 11/10: Encounter with Our Self
- 11/17: Encounter with Our Enemy
- 11/24: Encounter with Our God


9:30am (Prayer at 9:15am) | Room 32A 

This fall, Koinoia Class begins a new series on humility. The study will be based on books from Andrew Murray and RT Kendall. (Location is near Fellowship Hall.)


9:30am | Chapel

Men are welcome to join this group of mature believers as they seek renewal in the triune God through Bible study and hymn sing.


9:30am | Room 29

Join the Togetherness class this fall as they study the book of 2nd Corinthians alongside the fall sermon series, Weak Made Strong. Dig deeper in the Scriptures through discussion and Bible study. 

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