Student Ministry
First Pres student ministry is a place for all middle and high school students to belong. Our ministry aims to create an environment where students and leaders can grow in faith and remain in a lifelong walk with Jesus. We hope you join us!

Sunday Mornings
This year youth will start a two-year series that is Jesus centered to help build stronger relationships with each other and with Jesus! The curriculum is from LIVE, which is from Group Publishing. This will be a fun two years of in-depth study! Location: Undercroft.
Special Events
Each month we gather together for fun events! This could be game nights, bowling, or lock-ins! Visit our church calendar to stay up to date.
Wednesday Nights
Join us Wednesdays, 6:30-8pm in the Undercroft at FPC. The night includes games, bible study, small groups, and prayer.
Every 3rd Sunday, we'll eat together at the All-Church Dinner in Fellowship Hall, followed by fellowship and a testimony from a guest speaker back in the Undercroft.
We have lots of fun events during the year! Below you will find a photo release form so we can share photos of your student in our ministry, and a medical release form for special events.