Music Ministry
​We invite you to join us in using your creative gifts of music to share the beauty of God’s grace with our church and our community. There are many ways to get involved in our music ministry at First Pres.

Children's Music
Children's Choir, ages 1st grade - 5th grade, rehearses Wednesdays during our kids program, and sings throughout the year in our worship service.
Children's Bells is for children ages preschool - kindergarten. Bells also rehearses during our Wednesday night program, and plays in the worship service a few times during the year.

Lance Hargis
Director of Music Ministries
Lance joined FPC after over 40 years involvement in church music, with service in every mainline denomination, including two years at a Temple. With his wife, Christina as Organist, Lance most recently spent 7 years serving a large Catholic church in Austin, Texas. Lance is an admitted Opera snob, loves film noir and westerns, and is passionate about helping congregations present their highest offering possible each week. Lance and Christina are both very grateful and blessed to be able to return to their Reformed Faith at FPC.